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Nearly 25% of all women will experience some sort of pelvic floor disorder

Journal of the American Medical Association

*Revive Your Love Life *Relieve Dryness *Enjoy More Intense Orgasms

RejuvaOne™ is an all natural, no spray formula.


More than a Single Wonder Herb,
RejuvaOne is a Synergistic, Fast-Acting Formula
You've Tried the Rest Now Try the Best
-Satisfaction Guaranteed

Key Ingredients and Functions

RejuvaOne™ is formulated to support and strengthen a woman’s reproductive system. While all of the herbs play an important role here are some of the highlights.*


Asparagus root is used in Ayurvedic medicine for uterine bleeding, as a uterine tonic and for PMS. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, Codonopsis is used to counteract prolapse of the stomach, rectum and uterus.


Curcuma comosa has a long history of use in Southeast Asia to fight vaginal wall prolapse and tighten vaginal muscles. Dong Quai is a well-known blood tonic especially prized for replenishing menstrual blood. Sappan wood is added to formulas in Traditional Chinese Medicine to ease postpartum abdominal pain.*

Beware of Inferior Products

Curcuma comosa Roxb. is commonly mistaken for related but less effective species. Properly trained herbalists can identify it by the shape of the roots, smell, color and taste.


Harvesting any immature plant or improper processing can yield a low potency product that can take much longer to achieve the same or lesser results.


Single extract products can create imbalance and fail to achieve a holistic result. Our certified herbalists have years of experience and training to ensure a safe and high quality supplement. We test our herbs for heavy metals and microbial contaminants as well as for potency.


  1. Ahmad, Wasim, N. A. Khan, Ghufran Ahmad, and Shamshad Ahmad. (2012) Physico-chemical Standardization of Tukhm-e-Qurtum (Carthamustinctorius Linn.) Hamdardmedicus, 55(4), 41-45. Print.
  2. Chen, John K., and Tina T. Chen. Chinese Medical Herbology and Pharmacology. City of Industry, CA: Art of Medicine Press, 2009. Print.
  3. Four Things. Web. 03 Feb. 2014.
  4. Ozaki Y, Kawahara N, Harada M. (1991) Anti-inflammatory effect of ZingibercassumunarRoxb. and its active principles. Chem Pharm Bull. 39(9), 2353-6.
  5. Piyachaturawat, P, S. Ercharuporn, and A. Suksamrarn. (2008) Uterotrophic Effect of Curcuma comosa in Rats., 33(4), 334-338. doi:10.3109/13880209509065388) Web. 12 February 2014.
  6. “Sappan Wood (su Mu).” MPA Media, Web. 03 Feb. 2014.
  7. Varma, Neeraj, & J. S. Tandon. (1989) Constituents of Codonopsis ovate. Medicinal Chemistry Division, Central Drug Research Institute, 27(2), 105-108. doi:10.3109/13880208909053946
  8. Find a Vitamin or Supplement: Asparagus Racemosus. Web. 03 Feb. 2014.
  9. Winuthayanon W, Suksen K, Boonchird C, Chuncharunee A, Ponglikitmongkol M, Suksamrarn A, and Piyachaturawat P. (2009) Estrogenic activity of diarylheptanoids from Curcuma comosaRoxb. Requires metabolic activation. J Agric Food Chem., 57(3), 840-5. doi:10.1021/jf802702c
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